Private Violin Lessons

Sign up and get access to Suzuki Method on how to play violin and master classical violin basics through detailed violin lessons and tutorials videos with Loralyn Staples.

Violin Lesson - Learn To Read Music On The A String

A. Let’s prepare You will use the fingers on your left hand to press the string down and play different notes REMEMBER! Don’t press. Just relax and stay loose. Use your tapes to help you place your fingers When you come to an open string, you will see the string name in your music. No fingers should be down at that point Remember that your index finger is your first finger (1), your middle finger the second finger (2), and so on… B....

Violin Lesson - Learn To Read Music Using The Open Strings

A. How many beats does each note receive? • This is a “Quarter Note.” It receives 1 beat of sound:   • This is a “Half Note.” It receives 2 beats of sound: • This is a “Whole Note.” It receives 4 beats of sound: B. These are the open strings: C. Play each line. Count the beats as you play.     1. Hello to the A String     2. Hello to the D String     3. Hello to the E String  ...

Focus On The Left Hand: Holding The Instrument

A. THE HAND: you should hold the violin at the end of the fingerboard near the pegs, between the fleshy upper half of the thumb and first finger between the first and second knuckles. Holding the violin in this way will keep your fingers nimble and dexterous. B. THE FINGERS: the fingers on your left hand should extend up from the big knuckles and curve downwards to meet the fingerboard. You must avoid placing your fingers...

Setting Up The Fingerboard

Now you are ready to intensify your violin experience through the use of the fingers on your left hand. You will use these fingers to press the strings to the fingerboard and change the pitch your violin creates. Your left hand will allow you to play your favourite melodies and add complexity to your accompaniments. Combined with your substantial bow skills, the wide world of music will now be open to you. Using...

Motor Rhythms: Bowing + Articulation

A) What are “Motor Rhythms?” Motor rhythms are rhythmic patterns that repeat over and over again throughout the course of any piece of music. Motor rhythms are the engines that drive the pulse of the music forward and help the music groove. Motor rhythms also help to determine the form of the music. For instance, a specific motor rhythm may be played during the verse of a song, but not the chorus.When you hear the motor...

Articulation: The Long and Short of Bowing

A. What is ARTICULATION? Articulation describes the length of each musical note and the silence, if any, between musical notes. The length of each note and the space between notes is dictated by the bow. Some notes are long and are played with much of the bow. Some notes are short and played with very little bow. Some notes are connected to the notes around them. Other notes are disconnected. When we describe the notes we play in this way- long...

Using Your Bow

A. REVIEW- How do you hold your violin and bow?Practise moving from REST POSITION to READY POSITION in one smooth motion. Practise creating your bow hold. B. DOWN BOW, UP BOW- The directions of the bowDown bow- Move your bow from the FROG to the TIP Up bow- Move your bow from the TIP to the FROG C. DRAWING A SOUND- step-by-step instruction Put your violin in ready position with your feet shoulder width apart. Create a loose, fluid bow hold. Place...

How To Hold The Violin's Bow

A. THE BOW HOLD- finger-by-finger holding the bow Step 1- Prepare: Grab the middle of your bow with your left hand. Make sure the frog is pointing to the right as you look at the bow. Hold the bow parallel to the ground comfortably in front of you. Take care to avoid touching the bow hair. Step 2- Thumb: Curve your thumb (on the right hand!) and place its tip on the bow so that it rests comfortably against the raised part of the frog. The thumb...

How To Hold The Violin

A. REST POSITION: Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and the left foot lightly in front of the right. Grab your violin at the fingerboard with your left hand, and place it under your right arm with the strings facing away from your body. Use this position when you need to walk with the violin or when you are taking a break from your practicing. B. READY POSITION:Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and the...

Parts of the Violin and Bow

For you to play the violin, it is important to know and be well acquainted with the different parts of the violin and the specific functions of those parts. Similar to the human body, the parts of the violin consist of a neck, belly (front of the violin), back and ribs (the sides of the violin). A. Study the parts of the violin Parts of the violin Scroll - Located at the top of the violin. It is a decorative part, mostly hand carved. Pegbox...

Setting Up Before Playing The Violin

Violin is the most difficult instrument to learn but it is one of the most rewarding and beautiful instruments to play when mastered. There are several things that you need to know before buying, learn, and play the violin. REQUIRED ITEMS: Violin  Violin and Bow Violin Case Bow Rosin RECOMMENDED ITEMS:Shoulder rest Instrument Tuner Colored Fingerboard Tapes  Cleaning Cloth (a non-abrasive cloth) PROTECTING YOUR VIOLIN:  Your...